(The Doctor's solo podcast)
Is it the "ick," or a red flag...or is it you? (When to get over yourself versus get out of the relationship?)
Relationship Tips - House Metaphors (Learn through Dr G's metaphors how to improve and "renovate" your relationship)
Emotional Fiber and Release (A discussion of the need for emotional, physical, and energetic release to improve well-being - sometimes getting messy is necessary!)
Holistic Healing, Woo Woo and Witches (Dr G discusses his take on health from a holistic perspective considering alternative and complementary techniques outside of traditional Western methods.)
Success in Love, Health and Life Requires Effort, and Goals (Dr G pushes listeners to accept that "luck" doesn't just happen, and results take planning and work to get the outcomes you desire!)
Who are You, and What is Your Identity? (A review of the big question of life, what defines us? When do we lose ourselves or how do we maintain a sense of self through changes?)
(The podcast with Coral Gables Counseling Center group)
Pre wedding therapy (Discussing the need to have the big talks before you said I Do!)
Relationships and Social Media (Separating fact from fiction when looking from the outside in - the risks of social media)
Love Bombing (A discussion of the red flags of someone coming in “too hot,” but also why we like it)
Health 360 (Talking about the benefits of seeing your health as multidimensional)
When to Stay or Go in Relationships? (Weighing the difficult choice of knowing if you’re staying for the right or wrong reasons?)
Dating during COVID (Understanding that relationships can flourish even without physical contact, and maybe that’s a good thing)
Love is Not Enough (Emotions guide our heart in someone’s direction, but I discuss the need for practical agreement and value alignment)
Dating Apps (Dr G offers his take on the apps, which are better or worse, and how to use them most wisely)
Love and War (It’s okay to have conflict in relationships, but here I discuss how to do it well and with love and respect)
What’s Love Got to Do With It (Dr G shares his true story of love, and compares notes with colleagues and patients regarding the dating scene - and discussion of playing games and finding commitment)